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Saturday, January 19, 2019

Major Subdivision Cluster Proposed at Littles Road

Major Subdivision Cluster of 91 lots Proposed

Joseph Parisi of El Mondo Properties, LLC in Malta, New York has submitted an Application for Site Plan Review to the Town of Ballston proposing to develop farmland on Route 50.  The proposed development is described as a cluster style residential subdivision consisting of 91 single family residential lots with a minimum square footage of 8,882 per lot.

This proposed development adding 91 new homes is located across from the intersection of Midline Road and Route 50, an intersection where there have already been complaints concerning traffic flow.  The land is known as the Littles Farm to longtime residents of the Town of Ballston.  Access to the proposed major subdivision will be on Route 50.

The building site in located within Agriculture District #2 and has a significant amount of wetlands that cannot be disturbed or if disturbed requires DEC enginneering.

The project proposes to extend the Ballston Lake Sewer District gravity sewer north from the Midline Road/Gartner Drive intersection to the Route 50 entrance to serve the development.

A water district extension would be required, and it is located within Ag. Dist. #2. This district is overseen by the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets that have laws created to protect our farmland.

The Town has spent thousands of your tax payer dollars defending an ongoing lawsuit between the Town of Ballston and the US Department of Agriculture and Markets because the town is not following rules pertaining to supplying municipal water to properties that are located within the Agricultural District for non-agricultural purposes.

Councilmen Chuck Curtiss and John Antoski seem to be the only ones on the town board that truly believe the slogan on the Town of Ballston’s website reading, "Welcome to the Town of Ballston, A Farms First Community."  This is not about a division of political parties; all the members of the town board are registered Republicans.  This is about who on the board is committed to following our town’s Comprehensive Plan and protecting the rural characteristic of the Town of Ballston.

On January 23, 2019 at 7:30pm, this Major Subdivision Cluster concept will be presented before the Town Planning Board.  The meeting is open to the public.

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