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Monday, December 16, 2019

Agenda with Notes for December 18th Planning Board Meeting

Planning Board Agenda Items with Notes
For December 18, 2019 7:30pm Meeting
323 Charlton Road, Ballston Spa

SSP - Public Hearing Continued
3 McCrea Hill Rd SBL # 228.-3-30.12

Applicant proposing 25,000 sq. ft. expansion to existing building

Privilege of the floor is limited to 5-minutes per person.
The first time this was presented before the Planning Board was October 30, 2019.  3 McCrea Hill Road is approximately 8.93 acres and existing location of Silicone Specialties Products. The zoning for the parcel is Town of Ballston Corporate Technology Park PUDD; essentially a light industrial park surrounded by light industrial uses to the north of the Corporate Technology Park is the Beacon Hill residential project and to the south is vacant land. The applicant is proposing an expansion to the existing building. The existing building is approximately 52,600 SF this would be an addition of approximately 25,000 SF located on the western side of the site.

257 Round Lake Rd. Subdivision - Public Hearing Continued
257 Round Lake Rd. SBL # 249.-3-46
Cluster subdivision for 25 lots
Taken off the Agenda 12/17/19 will be at future meeting TBA

The parcel is located at 257 Round Lake Road in the Towns of Ballston and Clifton Park, Saratoga County, N.Y. It is approximately 2.3 miles west of exit 11 on the Northway.
The parcel includes presence of wetland vegetation, native mixed hardwood and conifer wooded areas or planted cropland. Native mixed hardwood and coniferous wooded areas primarily exist to the south of Round Lake Road. A small stand also exists on the northeast of the property, north of Round Lake Road. These areas consist primarily of oak, maple, birch, and white pines. Mature vegetation and large open agricultural fields and brushlands exist on the property.
Josh McGee and Marcus Magee owners and applicants of this cluster subdivision are planning a total of 26 lots. The parcel of land crosses over Round Lake Rd and the Subdivision would be located on the southern portion connecting to existing MacKenna Court (see images).

Of the 26 lots, 25 are proposed single family lots and lot 26 is proposed as reserved green space.
This Cluster subdivision was first brought before the Planning Board on March 27, 2019.  They are now referring to this development as Meader Lane.  Nearby residents are opposed to this subdivision’s proposed extension of MacKenna Court and have hired an attorney to represent them.
To read the public comments and notes from previous Planning Board Meetings from March 2019 to October 2019 CLICK HERE.

C.T. Male acting as Town Engineer submitted comments as the last meeting and the responses are listed below:
Comment #1.
Please provide pre and post development Hydro CAD modeling for all three storm events (1, 10
and 100 year). What was provided was modeling for the post-development only so I am not able
to compare with pre-development flows.
Response: The revised Stormwater Report includes pre and post development Hydro CAD
modeling for all three storm events (1, 10 and 100 year).
Comment #2.
Provide drainage maps to accompany the pre and post development modeling. The drainage
maps need to show the time of concentration for the runoff calcs. The maps need to account for
any off-site runoff that would flow to the project's design points.
Response: Drainage maps have been provided to accompany the pre and post development
modeling. The drainage maps show the runoff flow paths. The maps account for off-site runoff
that flow to the project's design points. The time of concentration for each flow path is included
in the Hydro CAD Report.
Comment #3.
Provide the RRv and GI calcs using the NYSDEC spreadsheets.
Response: The Report contains RRv and GI calcs using the NYSDEC spreadsheets.
Comment #4.
Show how S (RRv) calcs was calculated.
Response: Calculations S(RRv) are shown in the NYSDEC Spreadsheets.
Comment #5.
The Table in Section 3.0 continues to provide the storm volume in cubic feet and the area
available for stormwater in square feet. This was commented on in previous letters as comparing
volume to area is not common as they are different variables. Normally runoff is presented as
cfs leaving the ponds or to the design point(s).
Response: All runoff is now presented as cfs.
Comment #6.
Sizing calcs are needed for the proposed CDS unit.
Response: Sizing calcs are included for the proposed CDS units in the Hydro CAD Report. The
CDS Unit size/model was selected based on the manufacture’s (Contech’s) Hydrodynamic
Separation Product Calculator which is included in the Report.
Appendix B, Test Pits: Is the depth to water table the depth observed during the test or is this
indicative of mottling/seasonally high groundwater table? The SHGWT is what should be
presented as infiltration practices must be designed for separation to that variable, not
groundwater table present during the test.
Response: The recorded depth to groundwater is to the SHGWT. Our environmental scientist,
who is trained in field indicators hydric soils, record the depth to SHGWT based on either
observed groundwater or observed mottling or both.
Comment #8.
Appendix B, Infiltration Tests: What depth were these infiltration tests performed at? NYSDEC
requires for any infiltration practice that they be taken at the bottom of the basin.
Response: The Infiltration tests were either performed at the bottom of the basin or at one foot
above the SHGWT where the bottom of the basin is at the same elevation as the SHGWT.
Comment #9.
The infiltration test for the SE basin, west pit says, "water in the hole at 24". This does not match the test pit result which states water at 48 inches.
Response: The proposed basin for this area has been moved. Perc tests and test pits information
for the new location of this basin is on DWG U-5, “SOIL APPRAISAL – DEEP HOLE TESTS –
The Hydro CAD modeling as all of the subcatchments 100% in hydrologic soil group "A," which is contrary to the soil mapping. There are some soils in group C/D.
Response: The Hydro CAD model has been updated to reflect the different soil types at the site.
Comment #11.
The Hydro CAD models do not have any storage shown for the three proposed storm water
basins. In all cases, the runoff in equals the runoff out of the basin.
Response: The Hydro CAD models now show storage for all basins.

1417 Saratoga Road - Public Hearing Continued
Tax ID # 228-1-48.32, 228-1-2.1 and 228-1-48.112
The applicant proposes to construct a mixed-use development

Privilege of the floor is limited to 5-minutes per person.
This is a HUGE proposed development on the corner of NY Rt 50 and Brookline Road.
The property consists of three parcels and roughly 34 acres within two zoning districts – Business Highway-1 and Hamlet Residential.
The property now has open fields, existing residence, wooded areas, fair amount of wetland located on the rear northern pieces; approximately 16 acres of wetlands on the property.
The proposal is for a mixed-use community with about 1200’ of frontage combined between Brookline Road and NYS Route 50. There will be multiple story buildings.
Building (1) on the southern edge of the parcel closest to the intersection a drive-thru restaurant.
Buildings (2) and (3) would be developed as a mixed-use plaza; provide patio space in the front for restaurant facilities, wide sidewalks, extensive landscaping within the parking lot areas.
Building (4) located on the north and west, would be a residential building consisting of 64 apartment units.

Huston Hideaway - Public Hearing Not Scheduled
1026 Saratoga Rd SBL # 239.17-3-1
Sketch Plan Conference Multi-purpose recreation area

Carolyn Huston is the applicant.  The parcel is currently 39.90 acres of vacant land located on the east side of NY RT 50 just before Saunders Road. The eastern edge of the property boarders the Ballston Veterans Bike Path.
This is a Sketch Plan Conference.  According to the application documents filed with the town, this proposed project would feature a seasonal campground operating from May through October. The campground will include 30 tent sites, 23 glamping sites, 50- 75 RV sites, and possibly 2 treehouses. Within the campground area will be a recreational area with a snack bar that will incorporate a wide variety of outdoor and indoor activities including an inground pool. Day passes will be available for members of the community, based on campground occupancy. Year-round activities, including indoor mini golf and possibly a gym, will be available in a community center that will include rooms people can rent for parties, community classes, and corporate retreats.
Additional year-round sources of revenue will be generated from six 3-bedroom  duplexes and four cabins for short-term rent near the community center. There is also an option of a restaurant and an additional winterized cabin that can be used by groups. In addition to these, there will be one single-family home, a maintenance barn, camp store, and a gatehouse on the property.
This will be the first time before the Planning Board.

Core Tech Industrial Corp.
Public Hearing Not Scheduled
2 McCrea Hill Rd SBL #228.3-59.2
Site Plan Review for a 14,190 sq. ft. addition to existing building with added parking

The PB voted unanimously to approve the Site Plan drawing C-3 dated, 8/5/2019 with the stipulation that a complete geotechnical design report on plan accompany the building department application at the last appearance before the Planning Board.

*Agenda Subject to Change
Privilege of the floor is limited to 5-minutes per person for applications with public hearing scheduled

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

DECEMBER 10, 2019

Special Meeting December 10, 2019


Thursday, December 5, 2019

BNU is at the Festival of Trees

Come to the 2019 Annual Festival of Trees! December 6th - 8th

The 13th Annual Festival of Trees sponsored by the Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake Women's Club will be held at Town Hall Friday, December 6th through Sunday December 8th.
This event is fun for the whole family!  ADMISSION IS FREE  There will be crafts for children and refreshments. Donations to the BH-BL Women's Club is appreciated.

On Saturday, come and listen to the choir, the Bloodmobile will be there from 10am to 2pm followed by a special visit from Santa!

Ballston Neighbors United is participating with a beautiful tree decorated with all the things that make Ballston the best home town ever!

Watch our special holiday video featuring The BNU Christmas Tree.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Town Board to Vote on New Proposed Zoning Changes Dec 10th

The Supervisor has scheduled a Special Meeting on December 10, 2019 at 6:00pm to vote on adopting new zoning laws which will affect all residents of Ballston.

Ballston Neighbors United is asking for residents to speak up and tell the board members to VOTE NO.  There has been changes made after a professional town planner worked on the proposed zoning changes.  These changes made were influenced by outside interests and by developers that will profit.

Please email or write to ALL TOWN BOARD MEMBERS and ask them to VOTE NO.

Attention Town of Ballston Town Members
323 Charlton Road
Ballston Spa, New York 12020

tszczepaniak@townofballstonny.org, kstewart@townofballstonny.org, jantoski@townofballstonny.org, wgoslin@townofballstonny.org, ccurtiss@townofballstonny.org, cgumienny@townofballstonny.org

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November 7, 2019
October 2, 2019
March 14, 2019
March, 11, 2019
March 10, 2019

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