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May 14, 2019 Carpenter's Acres Revised Sewer Plan Presentation Notes

Carpenter’s Acres Revised Sewer Plan
After the majority of the Carpenter's Acres residents spoke out against sewers on December 11, 2018, the Ballston Town Board asked C.T. Male to do a Revised Feasibility Sewer Study including only the residents that need and want public sewers.

There are home owners that are suffering failing septics and high water table issues in parts of this neighborhood.  They are asking the town for sewer service.  The majority of these homes with issues were built after 1980 in the "wet part" of the development as some neighbors call it.  The homes were built in an area that was mapped out as not to be built on without sanitary sewers.  The map is on file and was prepared by professional land surveyors which included in print "NOT TO BE DEVELOPED UNTIL SUCH TIME AS PUBLIC SEWERS ARE AVAILABLE" in this wet area of the neighborhood.  No homes should have been built with private septic systems in the labeled area. This map was Ballston Town Board approved by resolution and also certified by the New York Department of Health back when the first part of this neighborhood was developed. 

At some point following, the town approved the developers plans regardless of previous professional findings.  Now the septics are failing, some for the third time.


This sewer project is a more expensive for homeowners than the lake project.
Cost to the residents would be $864 per year for 30 years, or $25,920, plus an additional $240 per year for as long as you own your home, and this amount is expected to increase. Every home would need a grinder pump outside the house that would need periodic maintenance and future replacement. Add in the cost of installation which increases with pipe length from your house connection to the street main which is estimated at $3500-$5000. Now add in lawn and landscaping repairs. This is very costly but some residents say it is worth it and needed.

Kathryn Serra and Jessica Gerber of C. T. Male presented the Carpenter’s Acres Revised Feasibility Sewer Study to the board on May 14, 2019.

The properties that are included in the presentation are residents that have stated to the town they want to be a part of this feasibility study.

The sewer district consists of 50 homes that would be a low-pressure sanitary sewer system running from the southwest corner on Moonlight Drive to the northeast corner of Cindy Lane.

The original intent was to connect the force main from Cindy Lane to the force main at Cornerstone Condos and then tie in on Route 50; however, it was determined that the force main at Cornerstone Condos did not have the capacity to withhold the flows from Carpenter’s Acres; therefore, a new line will run parallel to tie in on Route 50 to an existing 4 inch main that was proposed for future use.

This is assuming that the house on Cindy Lane would grant an easement for the main pipe to run through. Ms. Serra stated that the cost is for the infrastructure that is in the public right of way – the main line sewer in the street and any service lines for a low-pressure sanitary sewer system that consist of an individual grinder pump at your home. It would be installed in front of your home. The cost is up to the property line, a valve will be placed like a water line.

Along the proposed route there were 27 homes that either said “no” to being part of the study or did not respond. The actual number of homes is 77; however, the cost estimate given is only for the 50 homes who wanted to be included.

The study shows that the total project cost including engineering and soft costs which includes legal, administrative and construction oversight is $942,171. The Town would take out a bond and not receive any grants or low interest loans. It would be a 30-year bond at 2.25%. This will result in an annual cost per user of $864 for 30 years. Each user will be charged the same amount. All the properties are single family homes and will use the same flow. The O&M charge by the Saratoga County Sewer District is $240 annually. The total cost per year for 30 years is $1,085. The estimated cost for the grinder pump and connection to the main varies depending on the length of sewer but is in the range of $3,500 to $5,000.

The next step is for CT Male to prepare a Map, Plan and Report to be able to form a sewer district. Supervisor Szczepaniak would like to keep this project moving for these residents. Exact parcels will be needed for this report. This entire project would take less than five years.

Councilman Goslin suggests making sure the parcels are correct for the Map, Plan and Report. He asked the Town Attorney to look at a petition process for the residents to present to the Board instead of holding a referendum.

The town attorney stated that once we have an actual cost the State Comptroller may need to approve the annual amount.

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