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July 31, 2018 Town of Ballston Agenda Meeting Notes

Ballston Town Board Agenda Meeting

Notes taken by a town resident on 7/31/18

Presentation by Paul Vonschenk on health insurance for town employees -Renewal date is December 1
HMO copay plan thru MVP price increase just under 10%
High deductible plan thru CDPHP is 11.5% increase
Councilman Goslin inquires if there is a wellness program available for reimbursement of gym membership for either insurer as this would keep employees more healthy and they would hopefully utilize less benefits. Mr Vonschenk will look into this.

Presentation by Dave Meager from Amsure on insurance policy taken out by town eff 4/10/18 effective for 15 months. Town is getting back $12,000 from prior agent from cancelled policy.
Provision for insurance on TOB buildings and contents (similar to homeowners’ insurance) and automobile policy both have $1000 deductible. Councilman Goslin asks should deductibles be raised to decrease the premiums? Mr Meager will look into this and get figures.
Provision in policy for Cyber/Ransom Ware
Fireman’s grove added on for $164/year
Councilman Goslin asked about rider for fuel tanks -Mr Meager explained this would be part of pollution policy.
Councilwoman Stewart asked about paid family medical leave for employees.
Public official policy that would cover sexual harassment, violating civil rights, wrongful dismissal (things of this nature) Supervisor asks is this the same policy as we had with the previous agent and is it the same amount of coverage? Yes. Goslin says this is with Selective and when we were in the thick of it with Dolimite they would not cover us so why are we going with the same carrier? Mr Meager says that was unusual for it not to be covered. Goslin says he would like Mr Meagher to look into this to get back some expenses since Dolimite was resolved favorably.

Jeanette Borthwick discussed upcoming budget.  She spoke of library items, trustee account, petty cash, travel policy.

Gas line connection for town hall. Supervisor thought firehouse was taking the lead and town hall hooking on.  He had a discussion with the fire chief there was a miscommunication and it will be a joint effort; a check needs to be written to N Grid to get things going.

Joe Whalen spoke of the highway budget. Blacktop costs have gone up quite a bit. He likes to pave 4 miles of road a year but if costs keep rising he cannot pave as much.

Supervisor states sales tax from July 2017- July 2018 increased 7.29% 

Lake project update Kim Kotoskie gave list of options for eminent domain attorneys

Supervisor brings up discussion of hiring of full-time maintenance person for town hall, library. He states it is needed due to town growing and currently they use a vendor. Councilman Antoski and Curtiss will look into costs of a full-time employee with benefits compared to what the town spends on a vendor.

Supervisor states it is unfortunate and frustrating that the Twilight Farm Tour at Buckley Farms is being held on a night that the town board meeting is scheduled. So, no town board members can attend.

Goslin states wiring in the old part of the building in the boiler room needs to be corrected as part of the new phone system. He also states music event at Jenkins park was a great event.

Supervisor discussed Ballston Bulletin and that 2000 people are signed up.

Board went into executive session.

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