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June 26, 2019 Planning Board Meeting

Town Planning Board Meeting June 26, 2019
Notes taken by a resident
New Business:

197 Church Avenue, Lot Line Adjustment – Applicant William Mohr requested addition of 8825 square feet to existing parcel, formerly owned by the Rossi family.  A copy of the deed was provided to the Chair.  The PB unanimously voted to approve the request.

247 Scotchbush Road, Minor Subdivision – Applicant Louis Restifo requested this to create a keyhole lot for his daughter.  The total lot size is 71.75 acres, and will be divided into two lots of 56 and 14 acres and a 911 address of 237 Scotchbush Rd.  A buffer already exists as well as an existing driveway that is 16 feet wide, 1200 feet long and has a turnaround.  DEC and Army Corps of Engineers is expected to provide feedback shortly. 
Atty Chauvin noted that the approval is for the subdividing of the property, not the construction of the home in response to the question of same from Mr. DiPasquale.
Public Hearing:
Gerald Mossey, neighbor adjacent to property asked about the disturbance to waterfowl on the big pond on the property due to 4 car trips every day.  This was felt to have a minimal impact.
The PB unanimously approved the request subject to DEC and ACE approval.

Core Tech Industrial, 2 McCrea Hill Rd., 30,000 sq. ft. manufacturing building – this was previously approved in 2016 and a draft building plan was submitted this evening.  Written comments were submitted before the meeting with a request to break up the visual impact to Rt. 50 traffic.  Vice Chair Mathias commented that it is still a large building with not much architectural appeal and asked if a canopy could be placed over the exit doors and additional windows added, on the west side of the building.  The representative noted that the building is for manufacturing purposes, unlike the other building on the property that contains offices in addition to manufacturing space.  Kathryn Serra noted this has come up before with other similar requests.  She suggested they applicant look at other buildings to see what was done with façade treatments.  PB members agreed with this approach and asked that the applicant then return.  Mr. DiPasquale asked if this was creating a problem for the nearby property owners and asked that they be considered.  The applicant noted there are trees on the property line, none will be removed on the north side and there is a deciduous tree buffer with plans for additional landscaping. 
Vice Chair Mathias noted there is a second dumpster on the plan for the north end, the other one is on the NE corder.  Will there be some complaints about noise?  Can one be moved?  The applicant noted that the garbage contractor picks up after 8 am, on weekdays only, to be sensitive to neighbors.  The garbage is wood and metal scraps, no organic matter so animals are not a problem.
Kathryn Serra clarified that there are two lots, no wall sign and that in the NW corner the topography is very different with 11 feet of fill.  Her concern is that when under construction, they may need to go on private property and suggested they consider moving the fill line noting that being 10 feet from the property for any grading is OK.
Public Hearing:
Mr. Jansen, 50 Beacon Street, directly behind building – Core Tech has been very generous regarding dumpster times.  Are there still 5 overhead doors to be in front?  Core Tech noted these will face the other building, and are not pointed at houses, and there will be trees on the north end.  Is there heavy machinery inside? Core Tech answered there will be a 40 ton crane, no machine noise as fabrication is outsourced.  This is assembly only, with ventilation fans, no AC is planned. Mr. Jansen inquired about the start date, as there has been a contract for houses to be powerwashed.  Core Tech offered to powerwash the homes if there is construction dirt.
The PB will wait for additional information regarding the conceptual building plan.

230 Church Avenue, proposal to redevelop existing gas station that is under new ownership.  The proposal is also for a new convenient store with the gas station and potentially restaurant use on one side of the property.  Two entrances are planned for the Ballston Avenue side in addition to two entrances in the Rt. 50/ Church Ave side. 
A 70 foot setback is needed to be compliant.  The Saratoga County Sheriff, School Superintendent and Ballston Spa High School Principal have expressed concern regarding the proximity of the two exits to the school.  A crosswalk has been requested but not to the businesses adjacent to the property.  The increase in traffic was discussed with the impact felt to be less than the threshold of 100 additional trips.  However, Kathryn felt the detail of additional trips on Ballston Avenue should be formally responded to.  The detail that was available noted 40 additional trips on Rt. 50 vs. Ballston Avenue. 
There have been DOT conversations indicating the owner says he will be responsible if the water line needs repair.  Atty Chauvin cautioned that if the property is sold, the title will be transferred, and the third party may be involved leading to court proceedings.  If the water line should break in the parking lot, destruction of privately-owned features could result.
Vice Chair Mathias expressed concern regarding snow removal, “banked parking”, and the amount of green space.

Public Hearing:
Eric Connolly, 84 Lancaster Ct. – appreciated the caution expressed by both Vice Chair Mathias and Kathryn Serra.  Concern expressed regarding 7 other gas stations within a short distance, a dangerous situation both for school students and line of site when there are large amounts of snow.  He noted the proposal does not fit with the Comprehensive Plan at all and not enough green space.
The PB tabled any action.

994 Route 67, proposal of an 8,000 square foot building in rear of property – this is for residential apartments and a recreational area for a nursing facility to provide basic medical services for full –time and partial rehab.  A limited number of parking spaces are needed as the residents do not drive, so a waiver of the required 2 ½ parking spaces per resident will be requested.  Final word regarding funding for transportation is awaited as well as other government approvals that have been obtained or are in process.  The Saratoga County sewer line connection to the Rossi subdivision will be utilized.
The PB voted unanimously in favor of the conceptual project and to proceed to the next step.

1417 Saratoga Rd (Rt. 50) and Brookline Rd, proposal for construction of a 16 acre mixed-use development – Four buildings are proposed: 1)drive thru , 2 & 3) mixed use commercial plaza and 4) a residential building with 64 apartments, 120 parking spaced and four stories high according to the rendering presented.  The apartments are 1 and 2 bedroom which will limit families.  A waiver will be requested due to overflow parking available in the mixed-use area.  Municipal sewer and water will be connected to the Brookline line, and storm water will be managed by the property owner.
There was discussion regarding the interpretation of the frontage limit of 300 feet, whether it pertains to the entire frontage for all four buildings or per building.  Conversations with the Town Atty and engineer will continue regarding the need for a PUDD application based on the interpretation.  Atty Chauvin noted the per building interpretation would be less restrictive.  Chair Van Vorst asked if subdividing was an option, and Atty Chauvin felt this was not preferable.  Vice Chair Mathias commented that not going through the normal process is too much.
The apartment building is proposed as a four story, 16,000 feet/floor building.  It was noted that the Ballston Spa FD has a ladder truck.  Emergency access will connect Brookline Apartments with this area.

You can read the developer's narrative HERE

Public Hearing:
Eric Connolly – inquired about the house on the proposed property, which was then addressed as part of the land purchase.  He also inquired about the green buffer planned from the street to the parking lot, which was then addressed as street, lawn, sidewalk, lawn with landscape buffer and then the parking lot, a total o 20-25 feet from the road.
The PB tabled any action at this time.

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