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September 25, 1018 Town of Ballston Agenda Meeting Notes

Town of Ballston Agenda Meeting
notes taken by a town resident on Sept 25, 2018 

Approval of Monthly bills for Sept resolution 18-171
Approved unanimously

Presentation by Nick Lobosco of CT Male on design plans for addition to the highway garage.

This will include:
2 new garage bays
Vehicle wash bay
Expanding break room and locker room
Bathroom w/shower
5100 sq feet current- with expansion would be 7600 sq feet

Existing building is 30 years old, in very good condition, and was built in a way for expansion. Joe Whalen spoke about need for expansion for reasons including some vehicles are being housed outside currently and wash bay is needed as regulations are coming that town is not in compliance with currently. Also, continued growth of town, including more town roads every year to maintain and snowplow.

Grid was shown with six different option types showing details on building supply types, pricing, etc. Pricing was listed on grid for each type, however I was unable to read the figures and handout from CT male with information given to town board was not set out for the public.

Department and Committee updates

Librarian awarded scholarship for $1200 to attend NY Annual Conference. Hwy Dept helped library lay a concrete pad for drive up book drop off.

Water update by Joe Whalen
Water meters in the town need to be changed out. Out of 2863 meters actually read now is 933 (by remote). Changing over meters will help with accuracy on reading, knowing if the meter was tampered with and also to pinpoint discrepancies if a resident calls.

Emergency Mgt –Dennis Pokrzywka
Work being done with information systems, on line applications to bring the county up to speed.
Oct 6 Red Cross Shelter Training at Milton Comm Center on Northline Rd. Supervisor will be attending encourages other board members to attend at Ballston town hall is now a designated red cross shelter.
Town of Ballston may hold an emergency exercise in the spring. They can apply for grants and are reaching out to ag district, fire depts for coordination of this.

2019 tentative budget sheets passed out and will be voted on by town board 10/9

Councilwoman Stewart explains documents needing updating on sexual harassment policy and workplace violence prevention policy which needs town approval on 10/9

Supervisor states an incident at town hall that involved law enforcement happened recently and there is a need to pass a resolution for increased security monitoring. Councilman Goslin feels there should be a complete security package, more than is being proposed tonight. Councilman Curtiss states what they are proposing tonight needs to be done immediately and a more complete system can be done, but this first step must be done right away.

Supervisor states petition from Mrs. Draina for reduction of speed limit on Outlet Rd must have physical signatures.

Supervisor states meeting was held regarding allocation approval for funding of any projects over $3000 from highway superintendent needs authorization. Supervisor wants resolution added for if water main break occurs he would not need authorization.

Resolution 18-172 Motion Required Consider approving the hiring of Hannah Smithgall as a new library page.
Passed unanimously

Resolution 18-173 Motion Required Consider approving Deb Bradt to attend yearly training for code enforcement at a cost of $310 plus reasonable expenses approved prior by the Supervisor.
Passed unanimously

Resolution 18-174 Motion Required Consider approving the contract with Canopy Roofing & Sheetmetal, Inc. as low bidder for roof repairs to the library for $24,995 and authorize the Supervisor to execute the contract.
Passed unanimously

Resolution 18-175 Motion Required Consider approving the road dedication and water infrastructure for the Rossi PUDD pending approval by the Town Engineer, Town Attorney, and Highway/Water Superintendent Joe Whalen.
Joe Whalen and Kathryn Sierra (town engineer) state that they went to the road this morning and there were two items not completed and the town does not normally take over a road until all work has been completed. After discussion it was decided approval would be contingent on work being completed.
Approved unanimously as stated above

Resolution 18-176 Motion Required Consider approving 201 Church Avenue Tax Map ID# 216.-2-25 to be removed from Water District #4 and added to Consolidated Water District #1.
This is Mcdonalds who wants to go into the water off Via Rossi after they rebuild,
Resolution passed unanimously with this effective upon completion of new restaurant

Resolution 18-177 Motion Required Consider approving the proposal from C.T. Male Engineering for drainage improvements at 107 Lancaster Court, Ballston Lake in the amount of $7,600.
This is only the survey and engineering fee. Kathryn and Joe state the amount that the town will need to fix this is $10,000-$15,000 and this should be a learning lessons for the planning board as this involved building near the wetland threshold. The Army Corp of Engineers has been assisting.
Resolution passed unanimously

Resolution 18-178 consider approving panic alarms at $2260 passed unanimously

Resolution 18-179 consider approval for highway superintendent to move forward with emergency water main break repairs without authorization when expenses exceed $3000
Passed unanimously

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