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September 4, 2018 Town of Ballston Sewer Committee Meeting Notes

Town of Ballston Sewer Committee Monthly Meeting
notes taken by a town resident on September 4th, 2018

The committee members in attendance were; Suzanne Bishop, Jeanette Borthwick, Wes DeVoe, Dick Doyle, William Goslin, Drew Hamelink, Ed Hernandez, and Kim Kotkoskie. 

Other guests & observers at the meeting were; Steve Brennon, James Callahan, Ruth Osterlitz, Carl Thurnau, Warren (Kevin) Wheeler, and Kathy Wilcox

Ballston Lake Sewer Financial

Total costs to date is $643,285. There will be upcoming changes to the cost summary sheet. Filing fees will be added under land acquisition line item. The eminent domain attorney contract will also be added when signed.

Ballston Lake Sewer Legal Update

Eminent Domain Legal
As of 2 weeks ago we had 41 easements that were unsigned. Wes and Kim started ringing doorbells again last week and as a result brought the number down to 24 unsigned. That reduced the legal contract from approximately over 200k down to 120k.
The contract for the eminent domain lawyer (Jim Trainor) is currently under review. Contract value is approximately $120,000.
The lawyer also asked for the cancellation of the eminent domain public hearing and rewording of the resolution for hearing. It will be reworded, and a new date will be set.

Sewer Use Law
The final Sewer Use Law will be posted on the Ballston Sewers website within the next few days with the two new changes. (defined waterbody better and will be effective upon filing added)

Project Legal
The Ianniello Andersen contract (Project Lawyer Bruce Steves) for legal services is near depletion. They have asked for an amendment for an additional $50,000. to provide legal services to the point of construction.

Ballston Lake Sewer District Parcel Query Update

The sewer district is constantly changing in EDUs - for example; if there is a sub-division you are going to have another parcel and another EDU, and if there is a vacant lot that gets built you would have a higher EDU value. Once a year we would go to the town board and run a query with the assessor’s office on where we stand with BLSD. The assessor’s office is running a query right now because the last time they officially ran it was in 2015 and I would like to go to the town board and do the annual update. We will not know much it will cost the home owner until we know how many parcels in the sewer district today.

Ballston Lake Sewer District New User Addition

Meetings have occurred with Saratoga County Sewer District and the Town Engineer to determine a process for adding the two new users requests to the district.
(As mentioned in last month’s meeting, one is a group of homes that were not included in the map plan and the other is a developer. One is on the east side and one is on the west side.)
None of the funding from the Ballston Lake Sewer District can be used for any new user.)

Carpenter’s Acres Proposed Sewer District

Kim K. has only two people showing interest in being on the new sewer sub-committee and was hoping for more. They posted a notice on the Ballston Sewers website and Tim announced it at the last board meeting, but they have had only 2 respond. James Callahan requested a mailing to all residents as he does not use the internet. Kim K. stated that she needed to keep the costs down and will not use mailings at this point. Kim would like to have a minimum of 5 people that live in the Carpenter’s Acres community on the committee.

Kim asked James to reach out to more people in his neighborhood to volunteer to be on the committee.

Ruth O. requested the total cost to date for all carpenter’s acres including all preliminary, drafts, mailings, etc. since 2015. They did not have any numbers and have not kept records on a specific cost sheet for Carpenter’s Acres. Goslin stated the town has excellent records and can get that.

James C. is concerned that he is missing information and communication with not using the internet.


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