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June 27, 2019 Town Board Meeting

Town of Ballston Board Meeting
Notes taken by a resident on June 27, 2019

Please note areas with a ___ indicate inaudible


Tim Szczepaniak              Supervisor
William Goslin                  Council Member
John Antoski                    Council Member
Kelly Stewart                    Council Member
Charles Curtiss                  Council Member
Carol Gumienny                Town Clerk
Debra Kaelin                     Town Attorney

Monthly bills for June approved. Passed unanimously
Recognition of Dr. Peter Herman for his work with BLIA.  He retired as President of BLIA and Wes Devoe is the new BLIA President.
Dr. Peter Herman will be honored by naming the Outlet Road Pier after Dr. Herman.


Kincaid Solutions presentation on IT update, by Dillon: 
14 workstations need to be replaced, 13 of the 14 were deployed 5 years ago, so it’s not worth doing in-place upgrades due to the age. 
Recommends 3-5-year refresh cycle on the machines, 3 years for heavy use workstations and 5 years for light work stations.
The workstations are $895/workstation, this includes 3 year warranties.  The state contract Workstations are significantly less at $761.25.
The scanners/monitors: we need 7 and they are $112/each.  On state contract they are at or lower than $151.24, so we’ll likely get those ourselves.
The scanners for the Tyler software:  we quoted $805, state contract has them at or lower than $868.15.  We got one response back so far at $634.51
With the workstations it’s important to remember that if we go with a vendor we don’t have direct access to and we need repair, that may prove to be difficult but of course we’ll go with whatever vendor you choose. 
In total, the cost for all of the Tyler hardware and the pc’s should be under $20,000. 
Keep in mind that those 7 workstations, we should have those replaced for that Tyler ___, the 7 can be replaced anywhere before January 14th, 2020 so we’ve got 6 ½ months to get those replaced. 

Sczcepaniak asked if the 3-year warranty was for everything.  Dillon replied that is for the workstations that we quoted, I don’t know what the warranty is on the ones we have out for bid, I would assume at least a one year but we prefer 3 year warranty’s because that will last the whole life cycle of the workstation.  He said he would assume that the warranty if it is for one year, would cost about $100 which would still probably come under our cost, or at least our quote. 

BALLSTON LAKE SEWER:    Ed Hernandez gave a Ballston Lake Sewer Update: (the following is a transcription of this update)

“We are in the process right now, again I’m Ed Hernandez from Adirondack Mountain Engineering, we are in the process of re-packaging and doing some re-design on the sewer project to get it back out onto the street for re-bids.  The projects being broken up into smaller contracts, with hopes we’re going to attract some more competitive bids on it. We’ve worked with Saratoga County Sewer District and have been able to change some of the material on the project as well, which we hope will help reduce the cost, and those re-bid documents we expect within the next couple of weeks.  We’re working with the engineering committee that is set up by the town for the sewer project, to review those documents and have that prepared as soon as possible.”

Szczepaniak then stated that CT Male and Mr. Chauvin the attorney will be involved with this, and that as soon as ‘you guys are in agreement that this is ready to go then we’ll act on it.” and “The hope is you guys will get everything taken care of for the next Board meeting and then we can move forward with that.”


Library Report (see Town Clerk’s report on this)

Dr. Pierce:  Lake Management Report- (the following is a transcript of this report)
“Lake clarity now is 82 inches, last year this time was 93.6 inches.  It is cyclical, depends on algae bloom and zebra mussels. Now there’s a lot of zebra mussels and as a result it is more clear.  So, there is a lot more weeds now than there usually is this time of year.
June fecal coliform at 6 sites was below 99 colonies/100 ml.  The critical level is 200 colonies/100 ml.  Two sites were above 200 colonies/100 ml.  We’ll do another testing.  One test is not type the balance, you have to do multiple testings at all of the sites to see if there’s a trend or not.  Last year at this time, 6 sites were below 200 colonies/100 ml and there were no sites above the 200.
Last winter Kim Kotkoski, Carol Guminieny and I worked on a grant from DEC .  It was an invasive species grant for the Town of Ballston as the applicant.  In May, the town of Ballston did receive an award of a grant to update and develop the 9-point watershed and lake management plan.  We’ve been working on this for five years.  So, we figure at this point in time we’d try to see if we can get some money to help back us and hire a firm to complete the project.  The grant amounted to $19,635.
Szczepaniak then stated the Mr. Antoski is going to be the board representative, he agreed to be the liason for that. 
Dr. Pierce continued, “so we now have to implement this grant, and we have a short time window to get the next set of paperwork done so I’ll be meeting with Councilman Antoski and Kim and myself and Carol and get the next set of paperwork taken care of.” And “July 19th, we have until to get out the next set of paperwork, I feel pretty good that we were awarded the grant.  Last year the town board approved a 20% match to the grant so I guess we can go ahead and move forward with this .”
Szczepaniak asked when he needed a resolution to go along with that piece of it.  Dr. Pierce reminded Szczepaniak that that was already done. 
Dr. Pierce said he wants to talk to Szczepaniak about asking Clifton Park for a share because Clifton Park has about 1/20th of the watershed and 7% of the shoreline. 

Jeanette (from finance) reported:
Regarding the Tyler project- that project is being charged to ___ account, and according to JoAnn, her feedback is that we are more than on target with that.  We’re hoping to see that over the next two weeks. 
 “Spoke with Colleen at the library this week because part of what we can do with this is ___that we can meet the granular level of detail that certain committees or what not would like …for instance, the farmland preservation and protection committee doesn’t even have it’s own line because there is no code for it but we can create something such that we can track the budget___, the library has always had a lot more detail in the budget and we’ve been able to code that in, so it’s been a lot of  work but so far so good.
The medical and dental premium lines, we’re going to have to monitor it because what seems to be popping up there in B fund is actually going to go over because of the replacement of part-time planner with a full-time planner that is taking benefits, so that one is definitely going to exceed budget.  The highway and water are also over what we had budgeted, just slightly.  A lot of it, they have to do the HRA reimbursement cost and they back off the last half of the year so we’re taking a look at that.  Haven’t heard anything from BST on the audit, I did shoot out an email today and hope to have information on where they are in finishing that up. “
“Sales Tax Revenue :  although we are on target, the key is really in the next six months because those are when you have the highest amounts of revenue and we did budget out to use up everything we were expecting to meet this year so we want to monitor that as well.”
Jeanette would like to have the health insurance advisor make a presentation like was done last year.

Katherine (from Engineering) reports:
The Abley Woods sub-division- road paved two weeks ago.  Anticipates dedication in the late Fall.  To make TB and legal aware, it is a ‘pretty heavy lift given the size of the project’.
The DeRosier sub-division which is on Eastline road north of Chapel Hill sub-division, they did complete Phase 1 and are now working on the back in Phase 2.  Anticipated to be complete with all of the infrastructure by mid-end of Fall.  We’ll tend to have a lot of road dedication between Thanksgiving and Christmas. 
There is a 3rd Phase going on in Kelly Farms sub-division, Stable Gate Drive. 
So that is three active construction projects we are overseeing on behalf of the town
CT Male is also working towards application for additional sewer funding that is due at the end of July for the CFA application.  So we are on target to provide in the ___ in the next week or so, the ____fiscal ___on how we are going to ___that to bolster our status on that list to get the most additional money that we can. 
Lastly, I did provide John Antoski a proposal for the surveying engineering fee for the sidewalk on Lakehill Rd., so when he would like that to be presented to the town board, again I can be at the next town board meeting if that’s when it is. 

Financial Report accepted unanimously,  Res. 19-103

Supervisors Report (the following is a transcript):

“The first thing I’d like to do publicly…the Primary election is over, I’d like to congratulate the candidates who won the election.  Eric Connolly, congratulation, the new Town Supervisor starting January 1, 2020 so again, congratulations to you, your team, Peter Solberg, the new town board member up here, congratulations Peter, and also Councilman Curtiss, for another term, so I wanted to wish everyone success in your positions here. “
Parade was successful.
The Chairman of Public works for Saratoga County has allocated additional funds from the Northumberland landfill equally across 19 towns and two cities in Saratoga County. Each will receive $20,000/year for 20.  For Ballston that is $400,000 over 20 years.
The William Pomeroy Foundation historical marker was placed at at the Outlet Rd. parking lot commemorates 250th anniversary of a Kaydeross Land Boundary dispute.
Councilmembers Reports:

No report

Discussed Firemans Grove-  the highway department will be grading, grant work is being done. 
With regard to Anchor-Diamond Park:   Ms. Stewart feels it is very important to open up the east entrance that goes to Goode St.  Will be called the Parkland Strip.  Homeowners have removed markers placed on private property where the Ms. Stewart wants to create connectivity to Goode St.  This Parkland Strip will not be part of Anchor Diamond Park.  Ms. Stewart will be checking with the trustees of the trust fund for Anchor Diamond park to see if it’s a legitimate use of the trust funds to create a trail to Goode Street.

The corner on Rt. 50 and Lakehill discussion.  He hopes to have news soon.  Trying to get the owner of that property to the table with his attorney to discuss the situation.

extended his congratulations to the winners of the Primary. 

Zoning Update: Next Wed. meeting with John Munsey and Katherine to see where we’re at and if we’re ready to move the new zoning forward at the next meeting.
Old Firehouse: Szczepaniak said he will be meeting with Sheriff Zurlow to discuss use of this building in the future.
The Ballston Lake Sewer project is undergoing re-bidding, per Sczcepaniak. 
New water rules and regulations have been added to the language.  Joe Whalen was going to address it but he is not present.  Deb Kaelin said they are looking at antiquated language. 
There is a need for Exec. Session tonight, per Szczepaniak, regarding Ag and Markets lawsuit, as well as personnel issue.

Privilege of the Floor:

Steve Walsh, Kingsley Rd, complimented board on Peter Herman Resolution.


19-104  passed 4 to 1.  Goslin is against it.
Consider approving the town of Ballston Consolidated Water District Rules and Regulations for metered service for all water districts Section 7.10 Restoration of Service Charge, to be amended to include a $100 termination and a $100 restoration charge.

19-105  passed unanimously
Consider transferring up to $25,000 from Parkland Deposits Trust and Agency Fund for the installation of the water lines and grading performed by the Highway Department for Fireman’s Grove.  Mr. Curtiss said he’d agree because this for infrastructure work only.

19-106  passed unanimously
Consider appointing Terry Northrup as Library Board Trustee for a five-year term commencing July 1, 2019 and ending June 30, 2024.

19-107  passed unanimously
Consider appointing Carolyn Speenburgh as Library Board Trustee for a five-year term commencing July 1, 2019 and ending June 30, 2024

19-108  passed unanimously
Consider accepting resignation of Library Clerk 2 Jennifer Lambiase effective August 8, 2019

19-109  passed unanimously
Consider promoting Carol Chaisson to Library Clerk 2 at the rate of $13.10 per hour effective August 12, 2019

19-110  passed unanimously
Consider creating a Library Assistant position at the rate of $16.96 per hour

19-111 passed unanimously
Consider appointing Deborah Fiedler to the Library Assistant position at the rate $16.96 per hour effective August 12, 2019

19-112  passed unanimously
Consider increasing Library Clerk 2 Meghan Center’s compensation to $13.43 per hour based on assuming more responsibilities effective August 12, 2019

The following two resolutions were added and not on the agenda:

19-113  Approve the library board of trustees subject to town attorney approval, for the replacement of library sidewalks. Project funding will be taken from the Library Fund Balance.  –passed unanimously

19-114    passed unanimously - inaudible
Ms. Stewart read this very fast, difficult to hear…….
__proposed Park Improvement project , parks grant…local funding under Term 19, local funding application __ administered in NY State should consist of  ___ under NY State SEQR  ACT.
Ms. Stewart then asked if the board wanted anything more specific and said she had the entire legal description and Szczepaniak stated he didn’t want the whole dissertation.


1.     Dave Pierce, 110 Lake Road.  Spoke about Dolomite, how they are supposed to submit on a monthly basis,production records and noise and odor studies within 60 days of operation, they’ve been operating 5 months, he’s like to see the report.
Deb Kaelin said she just received the production report this week, and she does not have the report on noise and odor.

2.      Regan Morency, 20 Stonebridge Drive.  Regarding local law 1-2008
Stated no CO can be issued until street lites have been made operational.  Sidewalks are required every 50 feet.  All of this has been not in compliance. She said the owner is marking up the entire road.  Sczcepaniak said he’ll weigh in with Highway Superintendent and with legal. 

3.     Eric Connolly, Lancaster Court.  Grass seeding and topsoil also has not been done.  CO’s have been issued in violation.  Permits should not be issued.  Cautioned about breaking up PUDDs.

4.     Michele Stanus, 8 McKenna Ct.  Objects to connecting McKenna Ct. to Round Lake Road sub-division.  This connection benefits the builder, as he admitted, but diminishes home values on McKenna Ct. and increases chances of children being hit by cars.  Katherine said that you can’t control what an owner tells prospective home buyers, if they withhold information there is nothing the town can do about that.  Katherine said that when McKenna Ct. was setup initially, it does have language that allows connectivity to Round Lake Road.  Michele has stated that the builder never disclosed that information.  Katherine said the owner has not presented plans for the sub-division and she will not do that work for him.  Katherine said the Planning board is not getting any information on this from the applicant so there is nothing the Planning Board can do at this time, and this is strictly in the purview of the Planning Board.  What can the Planning Board do to make it safer or less offensive to neighbors?  The planning board can ask that, but the intent originally was to have connectivity, it’s on the sub-division maps.  Mr. Goslin said to keep seeking resolution thru the Planning Board.  He said to tell the planning board that there are other places in town where connectivity has been altered to not allow connectivity, a precedent has been set…and if the planning board doesn’t do the right thing/ doesn’t respond you can take that further.  “There have been access roads that have been changed to not allow people to go thru them and that’s a precedent in town, I got that from the highway department,” said Mr. Goslin.

5.     Peter Solberg, Charlton Road:  Asked what financial benefit and from what entity a through road would give.  Mr. Goslin said “that’s all the planning board.”

6.     Steve Walsh, Kingsley Rd. :  A month ago at a Planning Board meeting there seemed to be an ethical issue that he wants to bring to the Town Boards attention.  Mr. Walsh stated “John VanVorst, the chairman, recused himself from voting on a proposal from one of the developers, stating that he was a partner.  Also, another planning board member, she recused also because she’s an employee of the developer, every time he proposes a development, she recuses herself which is appropriate.  But John has not recused himself.  Now if he has a business relationship and they have an entity…which, the only reason I knew this is cuz he said it.  He said “I’m recusing myself because I have a partnership with him.  “So, he recused himself from that specific Planning Board agenda item, but the other ones that the same developer brings forth, like the one on Scotchbush, John is sitting in on.  And I don’t __.  Szczepaniak then told Steve Walsh to submit the issue in writing to the town attorney. The town attorney Kaelin then said they have an ethics board.  Walsh said he understands the board only meets once a year.  Kaelin said they meet when they have an issue.  Walsh said ‘but in the meantime there are actions going on that I think we need to pull back from or have John recuse himself until its solved or resolved.  It’s troubling that he’s voting on these other developments that are going forward.”  Szczepaniak said to get this in writing to the town attorney and they’ll review it.  Kaelin said it has to be addressed to the chairman of the Ethics Board. 

7.     Eric Connolly again:  If a developer goes ahead and changes a PUDD and it’s going to go into two different phases, are they required to go back to the drawing board and the public benefit of the revised PUDD …its phase 1 and may be phase 2, right?  Are you required as the developer to go back to the drawing board and re-establish the benefits to the public?  Szczepaniak said the answer would come from the zoning attorney, and Katherine said she wasn’t going to try to answer that.  Szczepaniak said ‘we’ll take care of that”.

Board then went into Executive Session.

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