Town Planning Board Meeting
Notes taken by a town resident – January 23, 2019
Old Business:
Thomas Benuscak – Goode Street SBL proposed 12 lot
subdivision, renewal of preliminary approval as a 90 day extension. No changes to plan that was approved in May
2018. Approved unanimously by Planning
New Business:
Littles Rd. Cluster Subdivision – Lansing Engineering
represeitng. Looking for feedback on
general plan. Littles Rd located on the
west side of Rt.50, 85.6 acres vacant behind the existing houses by the road. Needs to coordinate water and sewer
next. There are two zones, a front
“Business Highway 2 Zone” that will be applied for at a later date, and a back
area of 76 acres. There are DEC wetlands
on 17 acres, and the back zone is in the Ag district, and subject to the
litigation outcome between Ag &
Water and the Town. A total of 91 single
smaller home lots are proposed in this hamlet, with a total capacity of 130
lots. The proposal also includes an
extension of the sewer line to the Ballston Lake sewer district at Gartner
Drive off of 146A. A right angle will
begin the proposed road off of Route 50 across from where 146A ends. There will be buffers and open space of 44
Feedback from Board member Patrick Mayer: The southwest
corner of the property includes a culdesac for 6 homes, apart from the rest of
the proposed neighborhood. Is it worth
the effort given the rest of the proposal?
A permit will be needed from the DEC, and it looks like it is part of
the proposal just to get more lots and probably not worth it.
Feedback from Board member Mathias: concerned about smaller
homes that will be in a smaller space once additions and pools are added.
Town Engineer feedback: There is no setback for a cluster
subdivision and where the utilities are placed may be problematic. She suggests a 25 to 30 ft setback. Cars will likely have to park on the road
also. She suggested that the sewer and water results are needed before the
proposal can come back for review.
Knights Lot Line Adjustment to the common lines
between listed parcels on both sides of Goode Street, to be adjusted between
family members. The farm is still in the
rural zone, and if the use for the property should change in the future, an
application would be needed and appearance at the Planning Board. Sophia stated that any plan to change the
property is not material to this discussion now. The family elected not to be part of the
water district.
Public Hearing comments:
Renee Rohling, 13 Skaarland Drive – asked if there is an
impact to her property that is adjacent to the Knight lot, and wondered if it
will continue to be a working apple orchard.
Sophia stated there is no change to the agricultural use of the property
but an application to change it in the future would be lawful. She clarified that there are no proposals to
do so at the present time.
Linda Dunham, 1 Skaarland Drive – asked for clarification
that the existing configuration is not changing, just the inside configuration
(this was the case). Asked what could
stop the Knights from putting in a development?
Mr. VanVorst said “I suggest you talk to them, they are your neighbors”.
Peter Solberg – asked if the new lot lines affect the TDR
allocation. Sophia said it has no
Unanimous approval was given for the lot line adjustments,
although Lot #2 is nonconforming but OK as it is Ag compliant.
Briarwood Brooks Development LLC – Mohican Pass in the Mourningkill Subdivision. There
are three lots together that are proposed to revert back to the two original
lots. The representative is requesting a
denial of the proposal in order to request a variance in the future. This was unanimously denied.
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