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September 26, 2018 Town of Ballston Planning Board Notes

Town Planning Board Meeting Notes 
taken by a town resident on September 26, 2018
Old Business:

Rossi PUDD Lot #1/Hannaford
Rossi PUDD Lot #1/Via Rossi Dr., SBL #216.-2-27.11
Site Plan Review – new 38,000 sf Supermarket and Pharmacy.

Brandy, Hannaford Rep followed up from the last meeting. Comments have been received from the town engineer and they are reviewing them now re: water, wetlands. Will report next month. Tonight’s discussion was about the signage, a monument type style for multi-tenants to have their businesses on the sign. It will be on the south side of Church Ave intersection. They are seeking approval critical to Hannaford, because if placed on the north side, drivers will not see the store. Also, on the north side there are electric lines and wiring that would affect the height of the sign, and the area is smaller. The current PUDD is silent on the sign, and the code is not clear on the requirement, so they want to discuss and include this signage in the PUDD. The dimensions are 20’4” tall and 18’2” wide, and only 10 ft. from the adjacent property. The sign will be illuminated from the inside during business hours, and off when the store is closed. There will not be any light spillage into the residential area. Approval was given for the signage to be added to the original PUDD. Additional signage will be proposed later as expansion with other businesses occurs.

Final approval for the entire project is awaiting the Army Corp approval for two different wetland areas. There has been a change in the rule so it’s a work in progress. This will be presented next month. National Grid can provide the natural gas, so that piece has been finalized.

Public Hearing Comments:

Frank Rossi Jr representing the Rossi family said that a sign placed on Dominick Drive doesn’t meet the current Town of Ballston code. Sophia is working to amend the code to allow a multitenant sign for high traffic areas.

There were no other public comments.

The engineer sitting next to Sophia said that there is a Planning Board checklist to be finalized that guides them in the impact process and went through the questions and the proposed answers:
· Are there impacts to water, site development, degradation, etc. – all answers are no.
· Are there geological features – cliffs, dunes, fossils, caves, etc. – no. 
· Surface water impact? – not creating water body or filling in an areas with water, so the answer is no.
· Ground water impact? – not drawing from wells, no septic system or storage of chemicals – no.
· Flooding – is the project in a flood plane? - No.
· Impact to plants and animals? Any know threatened species in the area? – No, except for the Norman long-eared bat so this should be answered yes although there is no known roosting habitat on the property.
· Agricultural impact? No, property is not in the Ag district.
· Aesthetic resource? No.
· Historic or archaeological impact? No identification of any in the community.
· Open recreational area? No, none in the Town of Ballston.
· Impact on transportation? – There is significant impact on the projected traffic, suggest the Planning Board state moderate to large impact and mitigation measures with parking and improvements. Note CDTA will probably add a bus stop there, and there will be parking for 500 or more vehicles.
· Energy impact – is there a geological substation or large development with mega wattage? - No.
· Noise, odor and light impact – Delivery trucks may contribute, Hannaford asked to mitigate this so only need to address this question with an explanation.
· Impact to human health? – No.
· Hazardous waste site? – No.
· Zoning impact? Yes if there is a variance requested or if this is a controversial project. Is it consistent with the community’s character? It is not inconsistent.

The PB unanimously voted to grant the negative declaration of environmental impact for the Hannaford project. Next month will consider final approval of the project.

New Business:

Volpe 366 Schauber Rd - dividing existing 5.47 acre lot into two new single family building lots. Both individual wells and septic meet the residential district code. A waiver was requested because one parcel is not close to Ballston Lake, and the other falls under the Ballston Lake sewer regulations. Applicant is aware. One perk test was 46-60 minutes (the original one from the 90’s was submitted). This request was unanimously approved.

Busone 272 and 276 Lake Rd. - Lot line adjustment. This was unanimously approved.

Kelley Farms Mixed Use 253 Eastline Rd. Site Plan Review – request is to modify the previously approved plans to downsize from 10 buildings to 7 for a total of 70 units. This increases the green space, decreases the storm water management area, and decreases the size of the units. There will not be another request to build more units. The Planning Board commended the representatives because there is rarely a modification that decreases a footprint. Counsel suggested the PB reaffirm the negative declaration of significant impact. This was unanimously approved.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:35 PM.

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