of Ballston Town Board Meeting
taken by a resident on July 30, 2019
Debra Kaelin, Town Attorney
Carol Gumiemmy, Town Clerk
members of the general public
Councilwoman Stewart (personal medical issue)
of monthly bills for July-Resolution 19-117 approved unanimously
you note from BH BL cross country team for recognition ceremony
you note from Girl Scout Ryan Gordon for support with project of repair of
McDonald cabin
you note from Charlton snowmobile club for permission from the town to use
rec’d from NYS Dept of Transportation regarding speed limit reduction on Route
50 between Outlet Road and Brookline Road. It was denied stating reduction was
not warranted.
letters of support from Superintendent of Schools Patrick McGrath and Boy Scout
Troop Leader Brian Cooper regarding the Fireman’s Grove Park improvements.
Corbett Eagle Scout for QR codes in Anchor Diamond Park Resolution 19-118
Spa HS Girls Softball -Resolution 19-119
Spa High School Boys Baseball-Resolution 19-120
read the proclamation for Sean Corbett detailing his life in scouting from
including many merit badges earned and his service project at Anchor Diamond
Park leading to his achievement of Eagle Scout
read proclamation for BS girls Softball team and their winning season including
a playoff which included 20 innings with the same pitcher who threw 190 pitches
and the same catcher for the entire game. Several girls from the team were in
read proclamation for BS varsity boys baseball team which included
unprecedented success. After 46 years
the BS baseball team captured the Class A title. They then went to the state
tournaments, with several wins that resulted in the Class A champs. Several
members of the team and coaches were in attendance.
Insurance Paul von Schenk discussed employee health insurance. Currently town
has 2 MVP health plans. Copay plan and high deductible plan. Dental is with
CDPHP. For 2020 renewal he recommends keeping current plans, as increase is 7%.
Insurance Dave Meager discusses town’s property casualty insurance. Everything
they have this year will be in the coverage for next year. Modest increase due
to acquisitions such as new truck and Fireman’s grove. The town’s plan also has a cyber policy which
covers ransomware.
Male John Munsey with Zoning Update: “I am here tonight to give you a general
overview on CT Male’s work associated with assisting the town board the
SEQR lead agency with finalizing what’s
called the supplemental final Generic Environmental Impact Statement (GEIS) and
then adopting binding statements for the proposed zoning changes. We were hired a few weeks ago and have had
several meetings with town representatives to seek their input. Today we
generated draft responses to all the written and public comments they were
received on the Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact statement. The close of
the public comment period was March 22, 2019.
The next step in the process is for the town board to adopt a final Generic
Impact Statement for the project. So to assist the town with the process we
have developed some draft responses once we get some preliminary input back
from the town on those sort of initial drafts that we did we will be in a
position in short order of finalizing a complete draft of the supplemental
final GEIS for you guys to take a look at. It’s up to you to adopt that
document as your document it’s the responsibility of the lead agency to
complete that. We’re in a position to assist you in moving forward with that
and I would imagine once we get input on the preliminary responses to comments
we got I would imagine one or two weeks would be the turnaround to give you a
draft, a complete draft of the supplemental final GEIS for you guys to take a look
at. It would be anticipated that there would be some additional comments from
you that we would incorporate into the document and take it back for the final.
At that point in time by resolution you
would have to vote on the document to finalize it. By finalizing the document you are accepting
it then there would have to be certain distribution of that document to all
agencies and interested parties, posting it on the town website. Then there is
a ten-day waiting period for the SEQR regulations to say environmental quality
review act regulations required. Then you wait to adopt the findings. And the
findings are essentially your decision presumably to adopt the zoning changes
and move forward. The statement of findings
once finalized will put you in position of having satisfied the SEQR
requirements and at that point in time you would be able to submit to the state
the final zoning changes with an effective date and it would become effective
at that timeframe. So, we are in a position to assist the town board moving
forward on the project. We have gotten input, we have prepared drafts of the
redline version of section 138 for the zoning code and we have prepared drafts
of the redline versions of section 104 subdivision code and at the present time
we are not making any changes to the proposed zoning, map, and the sending and
receiving areas for the TDRs that were incorporated into the draft of the GEIS
the draft supplemental GEIS and we anticipate the document is going to include
the substance of the document the final GEIS is a response to all the comments,
what is the town board’s response to the comments that were received. We did
receive a lot of comments that called for a general cleanup of some of the
definitions and we tried to rectify that in what we are doing particularly in
regards to open space and green space those two definitions provided for and
made references to both sections 104 and 138.We are in a good position to help
finish up and if you have any questions I will answer to the best of my ability”.
states we had previously discussed getting this all wrapped up and over the
goal line. He says they had talked about at the August board meeting having the
actual vote. He asks if Mr. Munsey feels it necessary to have meeting 8/13 to
further discuss. Mr. Munsey says this is at the board’s discretion. Supervisor states we will have a special
board meeting at 6pm. There were some extra items such as expanding the
historic district, they will be handled separately.
Solutions Dillion unable to make it but gave Jeanette Borthwick the
information. Monitors and scanners $15,887. Discussion of a laptop for Rick
Reynolds $800. Carol had asked about a color copier Kincaid is in discussion to
lease this.
will be under $17,000 but that does not include shipping.
summer reading program ends 8/9 last day to claim prizes is 8/14. Registration for fall library programs begins
8/12. They are accepting bids for the sidewalk replacement till 8/9. Grant
request being put in for funding to create a history room and changes to LED
Pearce did chloroform testing in June and then in July and it has improved.
Lake clarity is clear to normal and the algae development has been slight this
summer. They have submitted the info the DEC requires for the grant,
Serra says it will be a busy few months with road dedications, 4 at least with
several miles of road.
will be a detour on Stonebridge Dr for 2 weeks as work is done there.
Whalen states 802 water meters changed, 183 scheduled. Complaints of shutoffs
leaking after installed, they have fixed about a dozen. At this rate they
should be done in September.
Borthwick gives financial report. Just starting budget items today. The
software conversion project Carol, Jodi and Joanne were in training 2 days . Go
live date of 10/1/19. She is looking for all budget info by the end of the
states there was a serious situation at the BL Motel needed involvement of the
town attorney and building inspector. There is a new owner there who wants to
make tremendous improvements. There was somewhat of an eviction process. The two individuals were living in disgusting
environment the worst thing he has ever seen. Sheriffs involved. New owner really trying to make change and
cleaned out the apartment immediately.
Park is having a hazardous waste disposal day on 9/7. Clifton Park wanted to
know if people in our town wanted to participate. It will be a $75 application
Curtiss states 178th Saratoga Co Fair had better attendance, only one afternoon
of bad weather. Great success. He states Thursday morning there was a few hours
when fair was open without flashing lights and loud sounds for people with
sensory issues.
Antoski: just a few issues he has heard
from town residents and he will speak to the supervisor about them.
Goslin: He is appalled at the letter
rec’d from the state denying the lowering of the speed limit. He states the
state is not looking at prevention of an incident, they just look at deaths and
they really should look at preventing injury and death.
Grant Project Lake Hill Rd
Serra has been working with Councilman Antoski on the sidewalk grant project
between Lake Hill and Route 50. There will most likely be boundary issues, pole
issues. A boundary survey will be
needed, easements will be needed. There will be 700’ of sidewalks.
Acres Sewer
of C Acres (name inaudible) following presentation in April from Kathryn Serra
she polled 77 parcels
strong yes 1/3 No 1/3 no response or no decision.
is looking for the board tonight for next steps. She has a map of homes that
are in great need of sewers. Supervisor states Kathryn and Ed could evaluate
and see is it doable? Goslin states that is where they were at in April. He
states plan that Kathryn came up with was viable. But the question was who
wants to be in the district and who does not. Question is how they get to the
map/plan/report that would show the parcels in the sewer district. Someone is going to have to draw a sewer
district and the people will have to vote or the town board will have to vote
in a resolution whether to vote in their behalf.
states around 30 want it. Goslin open to
any suggestion on how to get past this. Kathryn’s suggestion is it seems like
the 77 parcels that CT Male was tasked with looking at was really the first
push to get from the full neighborhood to a more central portion. Now that the
cost has been presented many of the people say I am not interested. Kathryn
suggests tweaking the feasibility study to just the option of Robert Drive. And
determine where would the pipe go would we still need to run it parallel from
the apartment complex. They may end up with a sewer district just for 30-40
people. Goslin states great idea and the board should authorize town engineer
to do that with the idea of moving it to map, plan and report at the next board
meeting. Kathryn will have feasibility study done in the next few weeks and
ready for the Aug board meeting.
Firehouse Substation Update
Bonesteel gave the town a 3 year metric of electricity $4800 for 2018, gas was
$2800 for 2018. Supervisor met with Sheriff Zurlo and there will be a sheriff
stationed there 24/7 with no cost to the town. This will save the town hundreds
of thousands of dollars over the years. Will be sold to town for $60,000, Les
Bonesteel states last appraised at over $100,000. Councilman Antoski asks Mr
Boonsteel how did this station come about originally. He states it was built in
1970 part of the expansion of the fire district. Various improvements have been
done. Mr Bonesteel asks another fireman
in the attendance about the original acquision of the property. He states it
was originally built in 1959, the new station was a donated parcel. Supervisor
states some improvements will be needed as Sheriff Zurlo requested a locker
room, and supervisor has from his full time job some unused brand new office
furniture that will be donated.
for the Ballston Lake Sewer Project
Hernandez from Adirondack Mountain Engineering has meet with CT Male and feel
the market conditions at the time and the size of the project impacted the high
cost of the two bid amounts received earlier this year. They have decided to
break the project into 5 smaller projects. They met with Saratoga Co Sewer District
to discuss changes in their standards to allow some changes in construction
materials. New bid documents will be put together with those recommendations
and they are ready to put these out for bid in hopes the project will come in
with a debt service under the amount approved by residents of the BLSD. A
second path is to apply for some additional grant money in case the project
does not come in under that amount. They are working with CT male to submit a
CFS application with the state to request up to $5 Million in grant money. Bottom line they are hopeful the project will
come in under budget this time and it can move forward when the bids are
submitted by Sept. If it does not come
in under budget it is likely there will be some additional grant money received
and the project will be delayed but still moved forward. Bids due the week of 9/16-9/19. Councilman
Goslin thanks Ed and his company which is doing this project on a contingency
basis. The town will not be charged unless they build the project and he is
optimistic and the board is reminded they are obligated to build the sewer
district based on the resident’s vote to build it. Kathryn Serra states CT male
did a cursory review of why the bids were not in line with the budget. All
suggestions they have made were incorporated and they do suggest this move
forward with the schedule submitted.
of Agreement for water and Summerhill project
Serra states the developer for this project came before the Planning Board in
winter and spring, there was a lot of public comment mostly in regard to the
water extension being brought to Scotchbush Rd which the town has been trying
to do for at least 20 years. Should this developer to the entire extension down
to their development and just close the loop or do they do the minimum amount
just to serve their property? There were
discussions made there would be money set aside to cover this loop. The
property across from this project formerly owned by the schools would this
developer was to proceed they would need a large extension which would mean the
town would also negotiate with them. The
MOA would be a way to compromise but Kathryn is not exactly sure of the legal
language. Deb Kaelin states CT Male did a study of the parcels in the area. The
town asked the developer to close the loop, but this was not financially
feasible. So, the proposal was the developer would pay X amount of dollars to
go in the escrow account so when the larger parcel is developed this would be
in exchange for the extension of water there.
So, the total amount in the escrow account will fund the remainder of
the loop. Supervisor states Matt Chauvin is the expert on this agreement.
Councilman Antoski asks if the end product is that that other parcel that has
not been developed, that is a mandate as far as the development wants to put
into escrow to complete the project. Kathryn states that parcel is currently
not developed, and they have not come to the town for any discussion usually
had before coming to the Planning Board.
Councilman Goslin asks how much
will be put in escrow. Answer: $651 per
lot/29 lots. Goslin states this is less than $20,000. Further discussion on how
much the extension would cost and Goslin does not feel this all adds up to do
the extension.
states there is a resolution tonight for 1 board meeting per month for the rest
of the year, the last Tues of the month.
Unless they have an issue that requires a separate meeting, such as
August 13th. Security cameras they are reaching out to vendors to get some
quotes to get cameras.
of the floor for resolutions only
Devoe Res 19-30 states he has lived on the lake for 40 years. He hopes all
board members will vote yes on this resolution as the idea to break up into 5
parts as he thinks will bring down the total. He states Saratoga Lake after
sewers got much more clear and he thinks BL will follow with the same.
Pokrzywka Res 123 and 126 Did they submit the microenterprise grants due in
June that the emergency committee had set up with templates? Supervisor states
you had mentioned you would submit. Dennis states I have not been on the
committee since January and asks again did the town submit? Supervisor states
not that I am aware of. Dennis asks is there an existing disaster plan, have
they been submitted, are they available? Supervisor states you can get from the
Emergency Committee. Dennis said where are the minutes from the Emergency Committee? Goslin states these comments are not part of
this resolution. Dennis states this is all related to the cost of insurance
rates. Supervisor states these questions are not related to any resolution so
we will not continue this discussion. Dennis asks again about the
microenterprise grants, says Kelly sent him a cryptic email. He asks about
security cameras and is told this is not a resolution. Res 19-130 Dennis asks
is there an amount approved for this? Told this is pro-bono work and was
discussed earlier. 19-126 What does this exactly insure? He was told Mr
Meager had a presentation earlier that covered that.
Connolly 84 Lancaster Court 19-124 he states Councilman Goslin mentioned it
would be $120,000 short of water extension. (Discussion with Jeff Knox of the
amounts again with escrow account, etc. and how far down the water extension
will go.) That this is a compromise that
was worked out. Eric asks about the remaining 49 lots. Supervisor states there
is a lot of confusion over this. Let’s table resolution 124 tonight and have
Matt Chauvin explain at the meeting on 8/13.
motion required
approving the schedule of the remaining Town Board Meetings for 2019 as
follows: Tuesday, September 24th, Tuesday, October 29th, Tuesday, November 26th
and Monday, December 30th. There will be no Town Board Agenda Meetings. Vote 3-1 Councilman Antoski voted no, feels
they are jamming too much into one night
Motion Required
approving to update computers at Town Hall at a cost not to exceed $20,000.
Funds will be dispersed from General Fund A’s fund balance. Unanimously approved
Motion Required
approving the Memorandum of Agreement between the Town of Ballston and New York
Development Group/Saratoga, LLC d.b.a. the Preserve at Summerhill regarding the
extension of a water line within the Town of Ballston Consolidated Water
District. Tabled due to more discussion
with Matt Chauvin on 8/13
Motion Required
the acquisition of the old Burnt Hills Fire Station #2, 400 Charlton Road, Tax
Map ID# 238-1-1 for $60,000 plus all associated closing costs including a full
structural inspection and other inspections that would allow use of the
property as a substation for the Saratoga County Sheriff’s Department,
including ADA compliance. This purchase will be subject to a permissive
referendum; the Town Attorney’s approval of a contract of sale; an appraisal of
the property and a multi-year contract with the Saratoga County Sheriff’s
Department providing law enforcement coverage 24/7 at no cost to the Town.
Funds will be dispersed from General Fund A’s fund balance.
3-1 Councilman Antoski votes no, states the building was built by town funds it
is like we are paying for it twice. Passed 3-1
Motion Required
approving the three-year pollution and terrorism insurance policies for the
Town in the amount of $22,544.
Resolution 19-127 Motion Required
approving additional electrical work at Fireman’s Grove performed by Wiring
Concepts for $1,775. Funding will be dispersed from the Parkland Deposit Fund.
Passed Unanimously
Motion Required
approving the C.T. Male engineering fees ($4,500) and survey work ($5,500) for
the sidewalk grant project on Lake Hill Road in the amount of $10,000. Passed unanimously
Motion Required
authorizing payment for a 3-year subscription to the NYS Complete Collection of
International Building Codes in the amount of $963.75 for the use by the
Building Department personnel. Passed unanimously
Motion Required
authorizing payment for a 3-year subscription to the NYS Complete Collection of
International Building Codes in the amount of $963.75 for the use by the
Building Department personnel. Passed unanimously
Motion Required
authorizing Adirondack Mountain Engineering to seek bids for the construction
of the Ballston Lake Sewer project. The release of the bids will be coordinated
with the Town Clerk and is estimated to be August 9, 2019 subject to review of
the Town attorney and the attorney for the sewer project. Passed Unanimously
Motion Required
approving the library appointment of Ruta Tomik to the Youth Services Clerk
position at a rate of $13.10 per hour effective August 12, 2019. Passed
Motion Required
approving an additional $1,275 for seal coating and new parking lines for
Jenkins Park from the “Misc. Equipment” budgeted amount, reducing available
appropriation of Misc. Equipment from $4,585 reduced to $3,310 available.
Passed unanimously
Motion Required
approving the hiring of Susan Rafferty as a part time Court Clerk at a rate of
$15 per hour up to 12 hours per week effective August 1, 2019. Passed
Motion Required
setting a Board of Health Meeting for septic variances for 45 Zani Lane and 72
Connolly Road for August 27 at 5:45 p.m. passed unanimously
Motion Required
setting a public hearing for Tuesday, August 27 at 6 p.m. for the extension of
a water line within the Town of Ballston Consolidated Water District for the
Preserve at Summerhill. Passed unanimously
a board meeting Tues Aug 13th at 6pm to discuss the MOA at Summerhill and the
GEIS comments from John Munsey passed unanimously
of the floor:
Pearce states he received an email from Debra Kaelin about Dolomite. He asks
her if she has received the production numbers. She says yes and it was passed
along to the building dept. She has received no other numbers from Dolomite.
Draina Outlet Rd would like the town board to look into working with Senator
Tedisco about reducing the speed limit on Outlet Rd. Supervisor states he has
spoken to the town attorney and when the town does this it opens the town up to
tremendous liability. Dolores states the speeding has gotten very bad on Outlet
Rd. Including her son being in an accident.
Connolly asks if the 15 MPH on Outlet Rd in the rec area is that a suggestion?
The answer was yes. Eric states he had a
truck pass him on the bridge there across double lines.
adjourned 8:58pm
session with no expected action.
Notice of Upcoming Meetings:
Special Meeting - August 13th at 6pm - Zoning
Final Draft Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement
August 27th
Board of Health Meeting at 5:45pm - 45 Zani Lane and 72 Connolly Road
Public Hearing at 6pm - Water extension for Preserve at Summerhill
Town Board Meeting at 6:30pm
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