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December 27, 2018 Town Agenda Meeting Notes

Town Board Agenda Meeting
Town of Ballston
Notes taken by a town resident on December 27, 2018

Resolution 18-235 approval for December monthly bills -approved unanimously

Resolution 18-236 Proclamation for Eagle Scout ceremony for Chase Holt who was involved in building    2 20’ bridges at Anchor Diamond Park, ceremony 1/4/19 in the community room

Dept/committee issues: Library: no issues; building dept: no issues; highway dept: no issues

Supervisor asks for resolution 18-242 to be added for purchase of equipment totaling $4000 for facility personnel to use to assist in cleaning community room

14 Wendy Lane.  Supervisor states a complaint received of a large pile of debris for 4 months on the side of the road, house is up for sale. It is a tote spilling over and is near a drainage ditch, there is an issue with it getting into stormwater. Homeowner has been sent one warning and has not responded. After discussion between board members and town attorney on next step it was decided they would serve the homeowner and they would have to go to court. Also, a call to the real estate agent about removing the debris would be made.

January 15th, 6:30 pm State of the Town address to be given by Supervisor. Charlton State of the Town address January 2nd.  Several local town supervisors will be in attendance.

National Grid resolution 18-241 for tonight to hook up gas lines, town attorney states the wording on the resolution she feels needs to be reworked as wording of 2/3 payment by the town should have a total cost listed. She will reword the resolution before it is voted on tonight. Cost from original estimate has gone up by $8000 due to National grid measurements of the pipe being incorrect. Councilman Goslin feels by changing over to gas instead of the current propane there will be a great savings.

Zoning changes and subdivision laws have come back from the county after an extensive review. Two very minor comments, a change on the map with coding/colors. Sophia is putting together a plan of action, hoping for implementation at the Feb board meeting. Supervisor states Nan Soltzenberg will be training personnel in depts that need to be familiar with the changes, 2-3 sessions each.

Jeanette Borthwick spoke regarding Round Lake Fire Dept who covers part of Town of Ballston at a rate of $.67 per thousand of assessed value. Meeting held to discuss possible increases to contract which expires at the end of 2020. Jeanette has done a summary of what the costs would be if raised to .73,.74, or .75. RLFD is stating there has been increased calls due to growth in Timber Creek, Chapel Hills developments. Supervisor states they have time to discuss the options.

Jeanette states the past few weeks have brought some IT issues, including a crashed server. There is an opportunity to have a tech from a company to come in tomorrow for 4 hrs to look at ongoing IT issues. A couple of other companies mentioned that may be able to come in and give a proposal also. Goslin states they voted last meeting to put their info in the cloud and support is needed for the server which he states failed has been there for 7 years. Board okays the assessment for tomorrow after discussion of the tech being able to access town proprietary town info.

Dennis Pokrzywka from Emerg Mgt gave overview of a grant which would be eligible for storage information systems. Deadline is 1/28/19.

Councilman Goslin states he has an idea for Carpenters Acres sewer. There is an opportunity with a new development called Cornerstone which already has a sewer system to have the houses in the back section with septic issues to hook up a pipe thru the woods into the Cornerstone sewers. He states they would need grinder pumps, but the houses in the front part of C Acres would not have to hookup.  Supervisor asks if an engineer can be at the next town board meeting to discuss this. Next board meeting will be in the community room because they expect CAcres residents to be in attendance again.

Councilwoman Stewart states at the parks and recs committee does not know what plans can be made for Fireman’s grove as they do not know what money the town is giving and what are the long term plans. Supervisor states new pavilion going up next week and concrete and ribbon cutting in the spring. Councilman Goslin against bonding to pay for a park, incremental approach is what most board members want. Supervisor states existing structures in need of repair. Bathrooms are in need of attention if park is to be rented out. And parks committee should take a look at the master plan and meet with Jeanette to see what the funds are.

Resolution 18-237 Motion Required Consider approving the reappointment of Zoning Board Appeals member Michael Lesniak for a term commencing January 1, 2019 and ending December 31, 2025. Approved unanimously

Resolution 18-238 Motion Required Consider authorizing Highway Superintendent Joe Whalen to purchase a 2000 F450 for $7,000 from Vander Molen Fire Apparatus to be used for service and emergency repairs. Funds will be dispersed from highway fund balance. Approved 4/1 abstaining

Resolution 18-239 Motion Required Consider approval of an amendment for an additional $42,525 to Adirondack Mountain Engineering, PC for engineering services for the Ballston Lake Sewer project. Goslin states for this is for increased costs and delay in the project. Total contract is $763,000.  Passed unanimously

Resolution 18-240 Motion Required Consider approving an amendment to the original Project Manager Agreement with CREEC, PLLC, as project manager for the Ballston Lake Sewer District, from an amount not to exceed Sixty Thousand Dollars ($60,000.00) to an amount not to exceed Sixty-Six Thousand Dollars ($66,000.00) modifying Paragraph 4 thereof, by increasing the total compensation allowable. Antoski asks what is this $6000 increase for-Goslin states delays in project. Passed unanimously

Resolution 18-241 Consider amending resolution 18-123 to read as follows: approve to extend the main gas line from Goode Street to service the new firehouse totaling $95399.21 which the town will pay 2/3 of the cost. 4 approved/Councilman Antoski against (does not feel the cost will be made up)

Resolution 18-242 Approve facilities manager to purchase janitorial equipment up to $4000 passed unanimously

Adjourned to executive session

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