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July 10, 2018 Town Board Meeting Notes and Observations

1)      Town Hall bldg is now a certified Red Cross Shelter (when necessary)
2)      Ballston Lake sewer project
a)      39 open easements – residents are not responding
-          Expect half to be resolved
-          Expect other half to go legal; Eminent Domain
-          Want to start legal proceedings by end of July
-          Mr. Goslin recommended a legal team be hired to begin to fight the battle.
b)      9 more easements already went legal
c)       Project cost will increase (not sure if this is legal)
Mr. Goslin said it is above board because the Town is receiving grant money.
It is my understanding that the previous vote is the maximum project cost.
Cost over-runs would trigger revote??? But only if residents react!
Cost over-runs are being spent on necessary items; e.g. backup generator,
spare parts, etc.
3)      Ballston sewer law review
a)      Applies only to Ballston Lake district right now
b)      Eliminated the word “exemption” and revised it to either deferral or exception
c)       Dormant septic tanks can be used for grinder pump install rather than fill
d)      New septics have to be 100 feet from “body of water” to qualify for exception
e)      No more public meetings on revised sewer law
4)      Carpenter Acres Sewer initiative
a)      Town  Board is slowing down on this (doesn’t want another black eye?)
b)      Trying to organize the PR effort better
c)       Mr. Goslin recommended by passing a referendum and have a binding petition
signed by the effected residents. (Why??) Some discussion about the legality??
5)      Zoning
a)      Mr. Goslin recommended PDR (purchase of development rights) vs TDR (transfer
of development rights)
b)      Many other issues were discussed but couldn’t figure out where they were heading????
6)      I volunteered to be on the committee for sidewalks from Route 50 to Kingsley. Seemed to be
well received. We’ll see.

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