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August 28, 2018 Town of Ballston Agenda Meeting Notes

Town Board Agenda Meeting
notes taken by a town resident on 8/28/18 

All town board members present except Councilman Curtiss, who was sick

Town attorney also present

Resolution 18-147 Approval of monthly bills for August.Councilman Goslin does not think the $5730 bill from the engineer for the proposal for addition to highway garage should be approved because he does not feel it was authorized for appropriation.After discussion by the board, this bill approval will be tabled.

Maintenance person update; discussed at last Executive session whether to continue with maintenance vendor or to hire a full time maintenance/custodian person for town hall and library. Board decided after getting a breakdown of costs from Jeanette Borthwick is to have two part time positions. One for the town hall/highway dept and one for the library.

Councilman Antoski wrote up a description of a facilities manager that could oversee a custodial position. The person they hire could be on the parks committee to help out with maintenance of the parks working with Joe Whalen. Amount of hours per week for each position was asked by Supervisor-possibly 5 hours a day? Councilman Goslin suggests starting out 20-25 hrs a week until they see what hours are really required. No cost savings from what was being spent for vendor work, but the individual would be available right away to address a problem that arose at town hall or the library. Set to be on the Sept 11th board meeting agenda.

From executive session discussion of a new hire for asst building inspector. Previously Les Bonesteel was asst building inspector and fire inspector worked with Tom Johnson, previous building inspector. Brian Kissinger brought in to do part time fire inspections, which are behind as Brian is not able to work many hours. The building inspector is gone out a lot for onsite inspections in the field often, leaving the office vacant. Sophia (planner) works part time and is a resource, but there is a major need for this position to be filled per Supervisor. Jeanette put together full-time salaried w/benefits figures. They could hire 2 p/t no benefits or 1 f/t with benefits. Work has greatly increased since Tom and Les were working, especially in stormwater mgt. Supervisor would like to hire 1 f/t asst building inspector and 1 p/t fire inspector. Brian Kissinger will be stepping away from the fire inspector position soon and not be available. This will be added to the Sept 11th town board meeting agenda.

Year to date end of July building dept fees $76,000 taken in. Jeanette mentioned the fee structure for permits should be looked at as they have not increased in 20 years. Supervisor and Councilman Goslin not interested in increasing fees as a comparison was done with other towns regarding the fees Ballston charges.

Supervisor states David Kenyon of Beechwood Drive came to town regarding property infringement of his neighbor’s trees hanging over onto his property and wants tree limbs to be cut at the neighbor’s expense. Town attorney went to look and says it would be an issue between two property owners. Councilman Goslin asks is this a safety issue, should code enforcement take a look? Town attorney says not a safety issue and there are no laws that would apply. No action by board.

Fireman’s Grove pavilion has been taken down. There was 500 lbs of tin/light iron recycled totaling $302.50. Herb Jackson from BLFD came to supervisor as concerns about chicken bbq fundraiser fire dept is having 9/13 as power has been turned off as well as water turned off. Supervisor has spoken to Brian about turning water and power back on. Trees at the grove will need to be removed before new pavilion is built. They have four bids ranging from $12750-$15000. Lowest bid of $12750 from Katz construction was accepted, and resolution 18-151 passed to move forward with tree removal. Councilwoman Stewart states there is a big pile of debris to be burned and she is concerned due to the recent vandalism someone might start a big bon fire. Town board authorizes thru resolution 18-152 to have debris burned with the fire dept there.

Herb Jackson asked Supervisor as an incentive to have more fire dept and EMS volunteers can a property tax reduction be offered of some sort? Possibly a town law could be passed with a 10% prop tax reduction or lowering of someone’s assessment.

This will be looked into by the town attorney.

Councilman Goslin brings up issue with sewer project that he had discussed with Supervisor, who indicates “that meeting was cancelled.” Councilman Goslin believes that the situations occurring cannot continue to go on as Resolution 18-150 which cancels the 9/17 public hearing for eminent domain. This is hurting the project, slowing it down, and needs to be resolved. Councilman Goslin states he would like to meet with supervisor after this meeting about the issues, and supervisor states he is not in favor of meeting with him. It should be a meeting that includes all parties involved. Councilman Goslin states he is “very disappointed the supervisor will not meet with a town board member over an issue” It is stated that the two had met recently in the driveway of Supervisor regarding the issue.

Resolution 18-148 accept resignation of planning board attorney, Peter Reilly
Passed unanimously

Resolution 18-149 to purchased two wifi modems at the cost of $1280.
Passed unanimously

Resolution 18-150 Approve rescinding resolution 18-143 which set the public hearing date of 9/17 for eminent domain

Councilwoman Stewarts asks can you tell us why? Town Attorney states Mr Trainor (eminent domain lawyer) sent over another resolution and wants his retainer in place before he begins any work. Councilman Goslin asks about the status of the retainer. Town attorney says she has no issues with it and has discussed with Kim Kotoskie who states they are meeting next week to consolidate findings on his retainer. Supervisor states this is why all parties need to be present to discuss this. They will need to pass a new resolution with different wording. Councilman Goslin states “this is a case where the town board acted, set dates, met with the attorney and now it is delayed, It is costing us money and time” He is concerned that the ability for people to rescind what the town board has passed as it is costing time and money. It is stated Mr Trainor is receiving direction from multiple people. Councilman Goslin states we have hired an expert in eminent domain. And when he is being questioned by non-experts, it is costing money and delaying the project. We cannot pass and unpass these resolutions, we do not have that kind of time for this project. He states we cannot miss the construction season next year and project must move forward Supervisor states the town must be protected legally.

Passed unanimously

Discussion as to master plan for Fireman’s grove. Councilwoman Stewart states there is an initial draft master plan that she will show Councilman Goslin. She states this got distributed without her knowledge and is really just a draft.

Zoning discussion with Sophia Marruso, Sr planner:

Topics for discussion were last left at max building footprints and should TDRs be in the draft

Councilwoman Stewart states she has not been shy in her nonsupport for TDRs, she does not like the concept.

Councilman Antoski states it is all voluntary and there are zoning rules to follow.

Councilman Goslin says everything I do with my property is voluntary, selling, donating. He states the density numbers with TDR could be high and he thinks they learned from the Rte 50 sewer vote residents do not want high density in the hamlet.

Supervisor states TDR will be put back on the table for the next round. Sophia’s concern is this should be settled as the timeline for the draft zoning code will not be met. Supervisor says no voting tonight without Councilman Curtiss.

Max building footprints 

Mixed use center north
90,000 sq feet current
60,000 recommended
Board wants 90,000

Rural highway transition
Current is 10,000
They all agree 10,000 is appropriate

Mixed use center south
60,000 existing
25,000 recommended and appropriate

Mixed use center ballston lake
10,000 current and proposed which seems appropriate

Business highway 1
Current 60,000
Recommended 40,000
agreement 45,000 is appropriate

Sophia will make revisions

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