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Project Narrative Church and Ballston

Proposed Convenience Store with Gas and Restaurant Use Commercial Redevelopment Project

The applicant, 230 Church Avenue, LLC, is proposing to redevelop the existing ±1.44 acre site on the northerly corner of the intersection of N.Y.S. Route 50 (Church Avenue) and Ballston Avenue. The proposed project site is situated on lands owned by 230 Church Avenue, LLC, (tax map number 216.00-2-20). The project site lies in the Mixed Use Center North district and is currently developed with a one story gas station/auto repair center better known as “Ken’s Auto Service”.

Project Description

The applicant is proposing to redevelop the existing ± 1.44 acre project site. The existing ±2,900 SF building and appurtenances are proposed to be demolished and replaced with a new ±5,400 SF multi-tenant facility including a convenience store and restaurant use. Additional site improvements include new fuel dispensers, canopy and storage tanks, site lighting, parking, landscaping, and other appurtenances as shown on the accompanying “Conceptual Site Plan”, prepared by Bohler Engineering dated June 4, 2019, no revisions listed.

Existing Conditions

The existing project site is currently developed with a one (1) story ±2,900 automotive center with four (4) fueling dispensers (8 fueling positions) and canopy. The site is located at the northerly corner of N.Y.S. Route 50 (Church Avenue) and Ballston Avenue on an approximately
±1.44 acre parcel. The unique configuration of the site allows access to both N.Y.S. Route 50 and Ballston Avenue. The site is currently accessed from two curb cuts along N.Y.S. Route 50 and one curb cut along Ballston Avenue.

Currently, utilities service the site today. The sanitary sewer service is provided serviced through a private onsite septic system on the north west side of the site. Water is provided by the Town of Ballston’s Water District #2 and is serviced from a water main within an easement on the project site, along Route 50. Natural Gas service location is being investigated. Electric service is provided by an overhead connection to the building serviced by National Grid. Stormwater currently sheet flows along the pavement to a wooded area on the northwest side of the site where it enters a swale along Ballston Avenue. Based on the survey, no onsite catch basins or detention structures are currently provided on the site.

Proposed Conditions

The proposed redevelopment project includes constructing a new ±5,400 SF multi-tenant facility including a convenience store and restaurant use along with ±48 parking spaces and improved curb cuts to N.Y.S Route 50 (Church Avenue) and Ballston Avenue. Similar to existing conditions, four (4) fueling dispensers (eight fueling positions) are proposed as well as new underground fuel storage tanks. The restaurant use will occupy ±2,700 SF of the building along with an outdoor patio area. Two way circulation through the project site is proposed for parking circulation efficiencies. Truck deliveries are anticipated to be to and from N.Y.S. Route 50. The curb cuts along Ballston avenue is proposed to be improved and relocated further north along Ballston Avenue, along with a second access to Ballston Avenue to provide access to both tenants. New energy efficient onsite lighting, trash enclosure, sidewalks, landscaping and other appurtenances are also proposed onsite as depicted on the accompanying Conceptual Site Plan prepared by Bohler Engineering dated June 4, 2019, no revisions listed. New building signage, site signage and directional signage are also proposed.

The convenience store portion of the multi-tenant space proposes to have 2-3 employees on a shift and will operate 24 hours, 7 days per week while the restaurant portion of the building is anticipated to have ±8 employees and general operating hours of 5:30am – 10:00 pm seven (7) days a week. The number of employees and hours of operation may vary based on the tenant or user of the proposed space. The applicant seeks flexibility for the ability to fluctuate operating hours based on the demand of the surrounding community. The proposed redevelopment is anticipated to improve the visual aesthetics from the existing automotive center to the proposed redevelopment and will remain in harmony with the characteristic of the surrounding neighborhood and the existing uses.

Currently there are public utilities servicing the site including electric and water. The existing sanitary sewer is treated through an onsite septic system. The redevelopment proposes to reuse existing onsite utilities to the extent possible. A new connection to public sewer is being explored. Stormwater is proposed to be collected and treated onsite in accordance with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) requirements per the stormwater management design manual. Existing tributary flow patterns are proposed to remain and will be designed to have no negative impact on neighboring properties.

Due to unique site configuration and existing site characteristics, the proposed redevelopment cannot adhere to certain requirements of the Town of Ballston zoning code and waivers from the Planning Board are being sought as follows

·       As required by §138-9.5-2 of the Town Code the building must present the main façade towards the street. This site configuration cannot be achieved due to the unique shape and multiple sides that can be perceived as frontages. The main façade has been oriented towards the signalized intersection similar to neighboring developments. The orientation of the building is as shown on the accompanying “Conceptual Site Plan” prepared by Bohler Engineering, dated June 4, 2019, no revisions listed.

·       Specified in §138-9.5-2-C-1 a minimum of 70% frontage build out is strongly recommended. The site is situated on multiple frontages and build out of frontages to 70% would hinder traffic circulation and visibility throughout the site to the nearby intersection of Church Street and Ballston Avenue. Furthermore, the intent of the design guidelines is to promote a near continuous façade along pedestrian corridors. The site location and surrounding sites do not support this requirement.

·       As required by §138-9.5-5-a, 35% of the existing parcel shall remain green space. A minor waiver (±2.0%) is requested.

·       As required by section §138-56-C, the parking requirements for a convenience store and a restaurant are as follows; 1 space / 100 SF of Gross Floor Area, a minimum of 5 and 1 space / 5 seats plus 1 space per each employee in the maximum shift. The applicant is requesting a waiver for this requirement based on demands of other similar facilities. Banked parking has been provided if needed for future use.

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